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Internships are Win-Win for both job seekers and municipalities. The OBOA takes a proactive approach to internship management and placement. Our Internship Program is endorsed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.  


What is a Building Official Intern?


The OBOA provides the framework for matching qualified applicants with municipal Building Departments. Interns are mentored by a provincially qualified inspector or Chief Building Official, and complete certain tasks while pursuing CBCO certification.   



Looking for a CO-OP Placement?  

Visit our Job Board to search for Municipal Co-op Placements in Ontario. 

Student and Tutor


We provide a framework, resources and training to facilitate their successful integration into their new role.

New Town


Benefit from the program by meeting staffing needs with qualified, well-trained entry-level staff.

interaction in class


Internship is the first step for aspiring Building Officials to assess the profession. Have questions? Check out our FAQ. 

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